Chocolate Chia Pudding for Breakfast


Are you looking for a quick healthy and super tasty snack for breakfast?
Making a chia tapioca style desert is packed full of nutrients to help you kick start the day!

What are the benefits of chia seeds you ask?

Chia seeds help control blood sugar levels, preserve heart health, help manage cholesterol, Regulate the digestive system, boost energy and much more.

It’s so easy to make and you can add and change ingredients according to your liking!

I usually make this the night before and I like making a big patch because I can then keep it for 2-3 breakfasts.

Chocolate Chia Pudding


1 Cup Home-made Almond Milk
2 tablespoons chia seeds
3 tsp Cacao
2 tsp Agave/Maple/coconut Syrup
Almond Milk:
1 cup raw almonds
4 cups of water
1 tsp of vanilla essence or powder (or even better – fresh)

For the almond milk: Blend ingredients together and use a milk bag to drain the pulp.
You can store the left over almond milk and use for chai tea or other fun recipes.
I also recommend keeping the pulp in the fridge because there are great uses for that too! Like my raw carrot cupcakes with icing posted soon…

After you’ve made the milk whisk all ingredients together without the chia seeds. just to make sure there are no clumps. Then slowly whisk together with chia seeds to blend it evenly and to avoid the seeds from sticking together.

You should leave this in the fridge overnight so the chia seeds expand and the consistency looks like pudding just as the photo shows. yum num enjoy 🙂


BTW – You can dehydrate the pulp and use it as a body scrub, combine with essential oils like lavender and there you go!

Love and light


7 thoughts on “Chocolate Chia Pudding for Breakfast

  1. I love that you are giving suggestions for the leftovers. Can you dehydrate them in the oven? Also, have never used chia before but have heard you can substitute for eggs when baking, is this correct?

    • You might beable to dehydrate them in the oven on a low temprature with the oven door open. A lot of vegan baking recipes substitute eggs using chia seeds. Let me know how you go 🙂

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